Saturday, April 29, 2006


The other day me and one of my friends were having this discussion on who will win the champions league this year.While i strongly supported Barca,he was very quick to point out that the Gunners are destined to win.On asking further,he explained to me that everything is simply the same as it was with Liverpool and Chelsea last season,Liverpool were 5th in the table and Chelsea were 1st,just as it is with Arsenal and Barcalona.Chelsea were by far the best team atleast in the competition,just as Barcelona have proven to be this year.Last year Owen was mulling over his transfer,this year it is Vierra.He pointed out some other not so obvious details too,but the point was,he believes that Arsenal will win come what may.

I often meet such people who keep telling me that destiny cant be beaten,it cant be changed,everything is decided etcetra etcetra.This concept has always fascinated yet baffled me.I mean,if destiny is fixed...why bother to do anything at all?Pat comes the reply,i am destined to do what i do,and will be forced to do it by the circumstances.For instance,if i decide not to eat,i will be forced to eat by my hunger,eating is my destiny.Plausible i'd say,but still somehow i am not able to buy it.

Assuming that the theory is true,and we all have our lives fully sketched out and kept in some file stored in a great great drawer somewhere,shouldn't everything be perfect?If someone does write our destinies,why does he not write it perfectly so that everyone is happy.But i find a very nice answer to this question,there is an underlying perfectness is the seemingly random imperfectness around us,and it makes sense when one considers that the world is doing great since such a long time despite the imperfectness and flaws inherent in all beings and things in it.Afterall,you can't be happy unless you know what unhappiness is,isnt it?

But if my destiny is predetermined,then i fail to see the whole point in bringing me to life at all.This theory reduces life,with all its pleasures and hassles,to a mere game some guy named god is playing sitting on a giant table.How does it matter if i do anything,good or bad,great or small,it is not me who is actually doing it,its him.Now if we assume the theory of theisism to be true,then god should have all the sense of the universe,and i cant see why he would run a world just for the heck of it!

But still,i have never come across any strong evidence or even a totally convincing theory in support of or against the theory,the puzzle still remains as it,unsolved,baffling,confusing.....basically it remains the way it was since the world itself was made.While serendepitists(as i like to call them) may say that the puzzle is destined to be unsolved,others simply interpret the absence of a solution as the absence of the puzzle itself.
But heck,I still support Barca,go Ronaldihno!


Shishir said...

Kaafi saheee....
mast philosphical ho gaya ho tussi

Dizzy said...

hey,i edited this post to include the conversation which actually triggered this thought in my mind,i think you just missed it..
but thanx hai :)

Shishir said...

I read it now....
Barca it was after all, but sadly that also doesn't prooves anything.
What the heck.
Hail Barca.